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I wasn't sure if I was doing anything wrong when I first started to play this game, but do I need to put the materials in the chests in order to progress a day?

Yep! Sorry if it wasnt clear, but you'll need to put in the items stated in the wishlist into the storage by the end of the day.


Some day I'll get past day 5 or so. Every time I try, I get a little bit further, but the balancing is fairly out of wack past day two :P

2000 units to craft an upgrade is a lot to ask of the player! On top of limited stamina, increasingly rare ore spawns, pricey quota items, and zombies that might prevent you getting home that run! But the gameplay loop is too compelling, I just keep playing...

Truth be told, I have not even gotten past day 3 to test out if the quests are possible. Based on feedbacks from the jam I'd definitely need to reevaluate the requirements to balance the game more.
I admire your perseverance to even get that far lol. Thanks!


Interesting Concept, would love to try again when fixed the bugs


This game really wants for a way to fight the zombies. They feel like they have a tendency to camp the return portal so you have to save stamina to tank damage from them.

Somehow it reminds me of Neopets? Not sure if that's just a me thing. It's kind of a cookie clicker if you think about it. You collect material to upgrade things that let you collect more material, but with an added requirement of requests from the wishlist. 

I would probably have spent more time on it if it weren't for the zombies being immortal douchebags.

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I agree that the zombies are a huge problem. Wanted to at least make it so zombies avoid light (other than player) initially so it'll avoids spawnpoint and placed lights, but ran out of time to implement it.
Thanks for playing!


Don't know for others but for me both web and windows version crash after mining the first block

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This happened to some others as well, I havent identified what the problem is yet since I cant replicate it.

Someone earlier with this problem reported that debug export worked on his machine instead.

Maybe you can try this link out instead and see if this works for you? Thanks!

Password: 1qazxsw2#EDC

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Debug web have the same problem but windows one works. Also I've seen that the game is been updated, I was able to mine two block this time but than it crashed.

PS. With the latest ver. I tried starting the game with Windows 7 compatibility and as administrator and it works!

PPS. Also two things I wanted to get rid of some weight and by discarding materials the weight did not drop unless I mine another block and when I run out of stamina I can still continue mining.

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I have not updated anything here actually. The gamejam I am participating in forbade updating of game files until judging is over.

The weight and stamina issues are indeed unintended behavior, and is happening in the main release build as well. Thanks for letting me know!


This is dope!

  • Progress through randomly-generated runs in the Mine, trying to meet quotas... honestly a solid game design pull!
  • The move-towards-mouse movement threw me off for a bit, but I eventually got used to it.
  • I like the mounting pressure of needing to complete wishlists from our friends (thank you Sora :D), and the mechanic of having your return path blocked by a zombie because you went too deep and getting zenloss'd is actually really funny -- you learn quick!
  • The UI is a bit unwieldy to click around, so the UX flow could be better! But all the icons and items are clear, and the inventory/crafting system are intuitive to use. I found myself trying to press buttons to shortcut-open menus, could be a thing :eye:
  • More creatures for sure. I want to be terrified to go too deep, but I want to be in awe when I find amethysts and ancient moai statues and Moona's secret base, and...

In all, solid base for a cool game concept! You could take it in many directions. Your art style always captivates me, too -- that main-menu sanctuary is badass.


Thank you! I've been avoiding the responsibility to code out UIs in my previous games because they're so tedious to make, but I'm so glad I did it this time since I've learnt so much from it (also helps that godot's UI making tool is such a beast). Will definitely look into making shortcut buttons a thing if I ever decide to torture myself with UIUX again XD. 

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Thank you for the extra effort to provide a build that actually worked on my machine (still don't know why it didn't work before).

The game is hard! I only could complete the first day by chance and by the time I finally managed to get the second day's quota I ran outta stamina to carve an alternate return path and died to zombies lol

I like how there's progression in the game and the crafting system. I kinda wish we could go back to our previous mine to continue where we left off. I waste a lot of stamina looking for a higher level ore to mine.

I don't see myself ever getting a higher than copper tool. Maybe I'm just bad at mining. XD

Great game!


- Yea, I do feel that the balancing honestly needs work as well. I'm not sure if it is even possible to get to the gem mining part and complete okayu's request.

- That's a great point. Returning to previous mines could be a good idea (maybe minesite retains throughout that day, or players can choose to save a minesite when they leave etc)

And thanks for persevering though the whole ordeal of getting the game to work!